
Harper Harper is Michael’s parents’ dog. Michael’s schedule really keeps him busy, as he travels too much to take care of a dog! He lives vicariously through their pet household when he visits every Sunday. Harper is the best at…
Harper Harper is Michael’s parents’ dog. Michael’s schedule really keeps him busy, as he travels too much to take care of a dog! He lives vicariously through their pet household when he visits every Sunday. Harper is the best at…
Chewie & Leia Chewie and Leia are the next big stars on stage, as this adorable duo belonging to human Patty can always be seen dancing together like little circus animals. When they are not shining in the spotlight, these…
Fergie Aka: Baby Girl Fergie takes just the little bit of your heart with her doleful eyes and innocence. She was just the sweetest girl, and was the perfect companion to her human Steve. Her fashion sense was also unparalleled,…
Archie Aka: Arch, Archibald, NSFW Archie is Chief of Router Security at Paula’s house, and can often be seen in the background of calls physically protecting the router. While Archie’s human is in deep work, he manages to clear counters…
Charlie Aka: Sir Charles Barkley, Char Char, Sir, Charmander, Choo Choo Charlie, Chuck, Carlos/Carlitos, Papa, Papasito Charlie is a very sweet and adorable dog to his human Elissa. He has a unique personality and full of cattitude, only doing things…
Hudson Hudson is a natural caregiver to those around him, including his human Corrinne and his stuffed animals. He babies his stuffed toys and has one particular stuffed lobster for years that he will take along for walks. He is…
Xander Aka: Xan, Xan-Man, The Dude Xander lives with his human Paula, and uses his 26 years of experience and all of his Siamese ancestry to lend background vocals to all Zoom and Slack calls. Noise reduction cannot overcome Xander’s…
Walter Aka: Walt, Wally, Big Orange, Potato Walter is a natural-born Seargent-At-Arms. He runs a tight ship over at Paula’s and believes the best approach to Change Management is to avoid change. Walter enjoys Sci-Fi, true-crime, and action-adventure movies and…