

Aka: Walt, Wally, Big Orange, Potato

Walter is a natural-born Seargent-At-Arms. He runs a tight ship over at Paula’s and believes the best approach to Change Management is to avoid change. Walter enjoys Sci-Fi, true-crime, and action-adventure movies and insists he is given the middle seat on his very favorite pirate blanket. Walter finds alternative amusement when his human roommates enjoy the rare romantic comedy.

During a Katces work day, Walter lends judgemental looks to Zoom calls both on and off camera. His technical skills are often helpful in adjusting the monitor position and he is unparalleled in his ability to lock a keyboard. Walter believes all meetings should be short and to the point, especially when they overlap his mandatory snacking schedule. While very demanding, Walter is an excellent bonus parent to his human siblings. He is also a bit of a tattle-tale.

Siblings: Xander, Archie