
Oliver Aka: Cutie, Baby Oliver is the baby of the family. This cutie pie belongs to Erica, and his main (and most useful!) trick is to get away with bad behavior by being cute. He gives moral support during a…
Oliver Aka: Cutie, Baby Oliver is the baby of the family. This cutie pie belongs to Erica, and his main (and most useful!) trick is to get away with bad behavior by being cute. He gives moral support during a…
Jack Aka: Jackie, Jackie Chan, Jack O’Malley, Dr. O’Malley Jack is a purrfessional therapist in stomach warming, as he loves to sleep on his human Erica’s stomach. In his athletic (and smaller) days, he would jump up on command and…
Violet Aka: Mean Kitty Violet is the lean, mean, pretty kitty of treat dealer, Erica. Violet gives her general moral support during a Katces work day, keeping her human’s keyboard warm when she can’t think of what to type. Violet’s…
Echo Aka: Echo the Velcro, Echo the Gecko Echo is a ‘sticky’ cat that follows Estelle all around the house, which earned his nickname. He is an oddball that lacks a bit of decorum, and will plop hard on the…
Sole Aka: Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin Spice, Croissant, Turkey Ham, Mozilla Furryfox Sole is Estelle’s ginger kitty, who is too smart for her own good. She is an inquisitive cat that can open doors and cabinets, can sit, high-five, and play…
Hope Hope is Flavia’s favorite golden. Hope’s expertise includes sniffing out the best stocks, barking up suitable trees for real estate opportunities, and avoiding financial scams (especially those involving squirrels). You can find Hope chasing tennis balls or snuggling with…